Сӳтсе явасси:Фрида Белинфанте

Date of dead тӳрлет

Yesterday i corrected the date of death on the german wiki page of Frieda. The date of April 26, 1995 was also given there. This date is wrong. The correct date is March 5, 1995. As can be seen from this article, which was published on March 7, 1995:https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-03-07-me-39790-story.html--Zartesbitter (сӳтсе явни) 23:46, 28 Кăрлач уйăхĕн 2021 (UTC)

Thanks, fixed --Andreevart (сӳтсе явни) 10:12, 29 Кăрлач уйăхĕн 2021 (UTC)

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