Губайдулина София Асгатовна
Губайдулина София Асгатовна — раççей кĕвĕçи. 1931 çулхи юпа уйăхĕн 24-мĕшĕнче Чистайра çуралнă. Хальхи вăхăтра Германире пурăнать.

тӳрлетАшшĕ Асгат Губайдуллин (тут. Әсгат Гобәйдуллин) инженер-геодезист пулнă. Амăшĕ Феодосия Губайдуллина (качча каиччен Елхова) вĕрентевçĕ. Аслашшĕ мулла пулнă. 1932 çулта çемьи Хусана куçса кайнă. 1935 çулта София музыка шкулне кĕрет. 1946-1949 çулсенче Хусанти музыка гимназинче Пятницкая класĕнче фортепиано вĕренет.
1991 çулта нимĕç стипендине тивет те Германири Ворпсведе хулана пĕр çул çурăлăх каять. Унта Петр Мещанинов пианистпа мăшăрланать. Паянхи кун Гамбурга çывăхра вырнаçнă Аппен хулинче пурăнать, çапах раççей гражданинĕ.
София Губайдулина Берлинти Ӳнер академийĕн, Гамбургри Ирĕклĕ Ӳнер академийĕн тата Стокгольмри Швеци патшалăх музыка академийĕн членĕ.
тӳрлетГубайдулина XX ĕмĕрти чи пултаруллă та тарăн кĕвĕçĕсен пĕри. Тухăçпа анăç традицисене пĕрлештерет. Альфред Шниткепе Эдисон Денисовпа пĕрле авангардăн чи паллă кĕвĕçисем. Çавăн пекех Г.Н. Айхи сăвăçăн поэмисене кĕвĕленĕ.
тӳрлет- Quintet for piano, two violins, viola, and violoncello (1957)
- Piano Sonata (1965)
- Night in Memphis cantata (1968)
- Musical Toys fourteen piano pieces for children (1969)
- Vivente - Non Vivente for electronics (1970)
- Concordanza for chamber ensemble (1971)
- String Quartet No. 1 (1971)
- Ten Preludes for solo cello (1974)
- Rumore e silenzio for percussion and harpsichord (1974)
- Hour of the Soul poem by Marina Tsvetaeva for large wind orchestra and mezzo-soprano/contralto (1974), for percussion, mezzo-soprano, and large orchestra (1976)
- Sonata for double bass and piano (1975)
- Concerto for bassoon and low strings (1975)
- Hell und Dunkel for organ (1976)
- Two Ballads for two trumpets and piano (1976)
- Trio for three trumpets (1976)
- Lied ohne Worte for trumpet and piano (1977)
- Duo sonata for two bassoons (1977)
- Lamento for tuba and piano (1977)
- Misterioso for 7 percussionists (1977)
- Introitus concerto for piano and chamber orchestra (1978)
- In Croce for cello and organ (1979), for bayan and cello (1991)
- Jubilatio for 4 percussionists (1979)
- Offertorium (Жертвоприношение) concerto for violin and orchestra (1980, rev. 1982, 1986)
- Garten von freuden und traurigkeiten for flute, viola, harp and narrator (1980)
- Perception for soprano, baritone (speaking voices) and 7 string instruments (1981, rev. 1983, 1986)
- Descensio for 3 trombones, 3 percussionists, harp, harpsichord and piano (1981)
- Sieben Worte for cello, bayan, and strings (1982)
- Quasi hoquetus for viola, bassoon, and piano (1984)
- Hommage à T.S. Eliot
- Hommage à Marina Tsvetayeva for a capella choir
- Stimmen... Verstummen... symphony in twelve movements (1986)
- Rejoice! (Sonata for violin and cello)
- String Trio (1988)
- Jauchzt vor Gott for mixed choir and organ (1989)
- The Unasked Answer (Antwort ohne Frage) collage for three orchestras (1989)
- Alleluja for mixed chorus, boy soprano, organ and large orchestra (1990)
- Hörst Du uns, Luigi? Schau mal, welchen Tanz eine einfache Holzrassel für Dich vollführt (Слышишь ты нас, Луиджи? Вот танец, который танцует для тебя обыкновенная деревянная трещотка) for six percussionists (1991)
- Aus dem Studenbuch on a text of Rainer Maria Rilke for cello, orchestra, male choir, and a woman speaker (1991)
- Gerade und ungerade (Чет и нечет) for seven percussionists, including cymbalom (1991)
- Silenzio for bayan, violin, and cello (1991)
- Lauda for alto, tenor, baritone, narrator, mixed choir, and large orchestra (1991)
- Stufen for orchestra (1992)
- Tartarische Tanz for bayan and two contrabass (1992)
- Dancer on a Tightrope (Der Seiltänzer) for violin and string piano (1993)
- Jetzt immer Schnee (Теперь всегда снега) on verses of Gennadi Aigi for chamber ensemble and chamber choir (1993)
- Meditation über den Bach-Choral "Vor deinen Thron tret' ich hiermit" for cymbalom, two violins, viola, cello, and contrabass (1993)
- Рано утром перед пробуждением for three 17-string Japanese bass kotos and four 13-string Japanese kotos (1993)
- Allegro Rustico: Klänge des Waldes for flute and piano (1993)
- And: The Feast is in Full Procession (И: Празднество в разгаре) for viola and orchestra (1993)
- String Quartet No. 4 with tape (1993)
- In Erwartung (В ожидании) for saxophone quartet and six percussionists (1994)
- Ein Engel for alto and double bass (1994)
- Figures of Time (Фигуры времени) for large orchestra (1994)
- Aus der Visionen der Hildegard von Bingen for alto (1994)
- Music for Flute, Strings, and Percussion (1994)
- Impromptu for flute (flute and alto flute), violin, and strings (1996)
- Quaternion for cello quartet (1996)
- Galgenlieder à 3 fifteen pieces for mezzo-soprano, percussion, and contrabass (1996)
- Galgenlieder à 5 fourteen pieces for mezzo-soprano, flute, percussion, bayan, and contrabass (1996)
- Concerto for viola and orchestra (1996)
- Ritorno perpetuo for cymbalom (1997)
- The Canticle of the Sun of St Francis of Assisi for cello, chamber choir, and orchestra (1997)
- Im Schatten des Baumes (В тени под деревом) for koto, bass koto, zheng, and orchestra (1998)
- Two Paths: A Dedication to Mary and Martha for two viola solo and orchestra (1998)
- Johannes-Passion for soprano, tenor, baritone, bass, two mixed choirs, organ, and large orchestra (2000)
- Risonanza for three trumpets, four trombones, organ, and six strings (2001)
- Johannes-Ostern for soprano, tenor, baritone, bass, two mixed choirs, organ, and large orchestra (2001)
- The Rider on the White Horse for large orchestra and organ (2002)
- Reflections on the theme B-A-C-H for string quartet (2002)
- Mirage: The Dancing Sun for eight violoncelli (2002)
- On the Edge of Abyss for seven violoncelli and two waterphones (2002)
- The Light of the End (Свет конца) for large orchestra (2003)
- Under the Sign of Scorpio variants on six hexachords for bayan and large orchestra (2003)
- Verwandlung (Transformation) for trombone, saxophone quartet, violoncello, double bass, and tam-tam (2004)
- ...The Deceitful Face of Hope and Despair for flute and orchestra (2005)
- Feast During a Plague for large orchestra (2006)
- The Lyre of Orpheus for violin, percussion, and strings (2006)