Пуçиле хаса — суд криминаллă сăпат тесе палартнă çын тĕлĕшпе патшалăх туса ирттерекен ĕçпуç.


Вуламалли тӳрлет

  • Dale, Elizabeth. Criminal Justice in the United States, 1789–1939 (Cambridge University Press, 2011)184 pp
  • Fuller, John Randolph. Criminal Justice: Mainstream and Crosscurrents 2005. Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Serge Guinchard and Jacques Buisson. Criminal procedural law in France Lexinexis editor, 7th edition, September 2011, 1584 pages.
  • Hanes, Richard C. and Sharon M. Hanes. Crime and Punishment in America. Volume 1. 2005. Thomas Gale. Farmington Hills, MI
  • Friedman, Lawrence M. Crime and Punishment in American History. 1993. Basic Books. New York, NY.
  • Sunga, Lyal S. The Emerging System of International Criminal Law: Developments in Codification and Implementation, 1997. Kluwer Law International. The Hague, The Netherlands.
  • Walker, Samuel Popular Justice: A History of American Criminal Justice. 1980. Oxford University Press, Inc. New York
  • Наказание // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
  • Стручков Н. А. Курс исправительно-трудового права: Проблемы Общей части. М., 1984. С. 22-23
  • Нечаев, Сергей Юрьевич. Удивительные открытия. - Москва : ЭНАС, 2012. - 206 с. : ил.; 22 см. - (О чем умолчали учебники).; ISBN 978-5-4216-0021-3[1]

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