Тĕс (квантла хисеп): версисем пӗр-пӗринчен уйрӑлса тӑни

Контента кӑларса петӗмӗр Контента хушрӑмӑр
Ellodanis5 (Сӳтсе яв | хушни)
Тӳрлетӗве ӑнлантарман
Ellodanis5 (Сӳтсе яв | хушни)
Тӳрлетӗве ӑнлантарман
1-мĕш йĕрке:
{{Пĕлтерĕшсем|Тĕс (пĕлтерĕшсем)}}
[[File:Quark Colours.png|thumb|Quark Colours]]
Йӗрке 10 ⟶ 11:
* Широков Ю. М. Ядерная физика. - М., Наука,1980.- c. 290
* Р.Фейнман.КЭД-странная теория света и вещества.М.Наука.1988.стр.118-122.
* {{Citation |first=Howard |last=Georgi |title=Lie algebras in particle physics |year=1999 |location= |publisher=Perseus Books Group |isbn=978-0-7382-0233-4 }}.
* {{Citation |first=David J. |last=Griffiths |title=Introduction to Elementary Particles |year=1987 |publisher=John Wiley & Sons |location=New York |isbn=978-0-471-60386-3 }}.
* {{Citation |first=J. Richard |last=Christman |url=http://www.physnet.org/modules/pdf_modules/m283.pdf |title=Colour and Charm |year=2001 |work=[http://www.physnet.org Project PHYSNET] document MISN-0-283 |deadlink=no }}.
* {{Citation |first=Stephen |last=Hawking |title=A Brief History of Time |year=1998 |location= |publisher=Bantam Dell Publishing Group |isbn=978-0-553-10953-5 }}.
* {{Citation |first=Frank |last=Close |title=The New Cosmic Onion |year=2007 |location= |publisher=Taylor & Francis |isbn=978-1-58488-798-0 }}.
== Асăрхавсем ==