Сери (чĕлхе): версисем пӗр-пӗринчен уйрӑлса тӑни

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Çĕнĕ страница "{{Пĕлтерĕшсем|Сери}} {{Чĕлхе |тĕс = çурçĕр американ |ят = Сери |тăван ят = ''Cmiique Iitom'' [kw̃ĩkˈiːtom] |па…"
Тӳрлетӗве ӑнлантарман
19-мĕш йĕрке:
'''Сери''' (Seri, cmiique iitom) – Мексикăри авалхи чĕлхесенчен пĕрри. Чĕлхе-изолят, Сонора штачĕн çыранĕнче, 2 ялта усă кураççĕ.
== Вуламалли ==
* {{cite book |last=Campbell |first=Lyle |year=1997 |title=American Indian languages: the historical linguistics of Native America |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford}}
* {{cite book |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=1981 |title=The Structure of Seri |others=Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of California, San Diego}}
* {{cite journal |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=1988 |month=July |title=The Syllable Structure of Seri |journal=International Journal of American Linguistics |volume=54 |issue=3 |pages=245–278 |doi=10.1086/466086}}
* {{cite journal |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=1994 |title=One Less Crazy Rule |journal=Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session |volume=38 |pages=57–58}}
* {{cite journal |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=2002 |title=Reanalysis of Passive and Negative Prefixes in Seri |journal=Linguistic Discovery |volume=1 |issue=1 |url=http://journals.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Journals.woa/2/xmlpage/1/article/1 |doi=10.1349/PS1.1537-0852.A.1}}
* {{cite journal |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=2005 |title=A Typological Overview of the Seri Language |journal=Linguistic Discovery |volume=3 |issue=1 |url=http://journals.dartmouth.edu/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Journals.woa/2/xmlpage/1/article/282 |doi=10.1349/PS1.1537-0852.A.282}}
* {{cite conference |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=2006 |title=El acento, la extrametricalidad y la palabra mínima en seri |booktitle=Encuentro de Lenguas Indígenas Americanas, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina}}
* {{cite book |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=2006 |chapter=La situación sociolingüística de la lengua seri en 2006 |title=Situaciones sociolingüísticas de lenguas amerindias |editor=Stephen A. Marlett, ed. |publisher=SIL International y Universidad Ricardo Palma |location=Lima }} [http://lengamer.org/publicaciones/trabajos/seri_socio.pdf]
* {{cite book |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=2007 |chapter=Las relaciones entre las lenguas hokanas en México: ¿cuál es la evidencia? |title=Memorias del III Coloquio Internacional de Lingüística Mauricio Swadesh, |editor=Cristina Buenrostro et al, eds., |pages=165-192 |publisher=Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas.|location=Mexico City}}
* {{cite journal |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |year=2008 |title=The Seri and Salinan connection revisited. |journal=International Journal of American Linguistics |volume=74 |issue=3 |pages=393–99. |doi=10.1086/590087}}
* {{cite journal |last=Marlett |first=Stephen A. |coauthors=F. Xavier Moreno Herrera, Genaro G. Herrera Astorga |year=2005 |title=Illustrations of the IPA: Seri |journal=Journal of the International Phonetic Association |volume=35 |issue=1 |pages=117–121 |doi=10.1017/S0025100305001933 |url=http://www.und.nodak.edu/instruct/smarlett/Documents/Seri-IPA-2005.pdf}}
* {{cite journal |last=Moser |first=Mary B. |year=1978 |title=Articles in Seri |journal=Occasional papers on linguistics |volume=2 |pages=67–89}}
* {{cite book |last=Moser |first=Mary B. |coauthors=Stephen A. Marlett |title=Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac: Diccionario seri-español-inglés |url=http://lengamer.org/admin/language_folders/seri/user_uploaded_files/links/File/DiccionarioSeri2005.pdf |year=2005 |publisher=Universidad de Sonora and Plaza y Valdés Editores |location=Hermosillo, Sonora |language=Spanish and English}}
== Каçăсем ==
* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=sei Ethnologue]
* [http://lengamer.org/admin/language_folders/seri/user_uploaded_files/links/File/BibliografiaElectronicaSeri.htm Seri bibliography]
* [http://lengamer.org/asoc/language.php?language=seri Seri page at Lengamer.org]
* [http://www.und.nodak.edu/instruct/smarlett/ Stephen Marlett’s home page]
* [http://www.sil.org/mexico/seri/00i-seri.htm SIL Mexico]
* [http://lengamer.org/admin/language_folders/seri/user_uploaded_files/links/File/Textos/SeriTexts.htm Seri texts and recordings]
{{Çурçĕр Америкăри чĕлхе çемьисем}}
[[Категори:Мексика чĕлхисем]]
[[Категори:Çухалакан чĕлхесем]]
[[ru:Сери (язык)]]