Википеди:Портал: версисем пӗр-пӗринчен уйрӑлса тӑни

Контента кӑларса петӗмӗр Контента хушрӑмӑр
п робот хушрĕ: bat-smg, bi, ch, co, cr, dv, dz, eu, fi, fj, kl, kv, mdf, my, myv, rw, scn, tn, ts, ve, xal, xh, yo, za кăларса пăрахрĕ: km, ku, li улăштарчĕ: ang, en, gv, mg, ms, nap, nn, tt
29-мĕш йĕрке:
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==Wikimania Scholarships==
The call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference.
To apply, visit the [[wm2010:Main Page|Wikimania 2010]] [[wm2010:Scholarships|scholarships information page]], click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply.
For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:
* [[wm2010:Scholarships|Scholarships]]
* [[wm2010:Scholarships/FAQ|Scholarships FAQ]]
Yours very truly,
[[m:User:Cary Bass|Cary Bass]]</br>
Volunteer Coordinator</br>
Wikimedia Foundation
== Проекта материалсемпе пуянлатма пулăшатпăр==